A whirlwind stopover in Tokyo

travel blog tokyo stopover layover two days in team labs capybara cafe

A newer travel related obsession of mine has been the art of travel hacking. For those to whom this term is a new one – travel hacking is the art of earning frequent flyer points (or hotel group points) with the goal of redeeming those points for near free flights and stays. In the months […]

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Onsens, Rollercoasters + Deer! A few more days in Japan <3

After leaving Tokyo, the remainder of our time in Japan would be spent heading to an onsen town, riding rollercoasters at Universal Studios and hand feeding adorable deer in Nara. We also spent some time heading to see the famous snow monkeys – but that was so disappointing I don’t even want to waste time […]

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Missed Trains, Quirky Onsens, Endless Ramen & Optical Illusions in Tokyo

When I moved to Darwin, one of the few downsides was that it meant being an entire country away from my friends and family back in Adelaide. Over the years, some of those friends have also moved away from Adelaide, making in harder and harder to catch up in person. One such friend is Ethan. […]

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Welcome to the third installment of Ellen Eats. This is easily my favourite EE yet, it’s the Japan edition! I absolutely adored Japan. It has been my favourite travel destination of 2016, and considering I also visited the Maldives and the Philippines this year, that is really saying something. My only wish is that my visit lasted for […]

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A Few FREE Things You Can Do in Tokyo

Japan is an amazingly easy country to backpack through, but such ease does come at a bit of a cost. Japan can be a pretty exxy country for backpackers on a budget. Sure, alcohol is fairly cheap, but food, transport and accommodation are all on the pricier side, and even a short visit can dig […]

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Getting Freaky After Dark in Tokyo

When it comes to travelling, more often than not I find myself disliking big cities. Rome, Barcelona, London – such places just don’t seem to suit me. However, there are exceptions to every rule, and Tokyo is one such exception. I don’t know why Tokyo is such a special city. Maybe it is the unbelievable […]

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Only in Japan: Hedgehog Cafe

Japan is well known for having a pretty big obsession with any and all animals that are even remotely cute. In Tokyo, Cat Cafes and Rabbit Cafes have become incredibly popular spots for locals and tourists alike. These cafes offer people the chance to interact with beautiful animals in a cute little cafe setting. However, […]

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Mt Fuji Missing in Action at Lake Kawaguchiko

If you were to ask a bunch of random people to tell you what the first thing they think of upon hearing the word ‘Japan’, there would surely be a good sized bunch who say Mount Fuji. Mount Fuji is not only the highest peak in all of Japan (3776 metres) but it is also […]

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A Temple Under Reconstruction and My First Encounter With Deer

When visiting Hiroshima, a lot of the cities main attractions are not on the mainland, but instead, are located on several nearby islands that can be reached by different ferries. Okunoshima is one (click here if you want to see all the cute fluffy bunnies you could ever desire) and Itsukushima is another. Itsukushima has […]

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Only in Japan: Bunny Island


So, a couple of posts ago I wrote about Kyoto’s Arashiyama bamboo grove being bucket list worthy – which it definitely is. However, during my time in Japan, the number one thing on my list of ‘musts’ was a visit to Okunoshima, an island near Hiroshima. Okunoshima may not be a name you immediately recognise, but […]

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